First Update of the Year!!! | Weekly Update Jan 1-7, 2024

I am so excited to be doing my first weekly update of the YEAR! Holy moly. If you’re new here, I like to wrap up each week by talking about what I accomplished the week before and what I hope to do this coming week.

So today’s weekly update I’ll be going over the book that I finished this week, the webtoon I finished, and then my plans for next week. I didn’t really watch much TV except what I’m currently watching, so I’ll talk about that in between wrapping up last week and talking about this week.

Anyway, let’s just get right into this.

Continue reading “First Update of the Year!!! | Weekly Update Jan 1-7, 2024”

Little Reading, But there are K-Dramas! | Weekly Update July 13-18, 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you all are doing well. Again, I haven’t been around, but here’s to trying again.

Today I’m going to wrap up last week’s reading and watching and go over what my plans are this week for reading and watching. I have some big ones, let’s just say that.

Let’s just get right into this.

Continue reading “Little Reading, But there are K-Dramas! | Weekly Update July 13-18, 2020”

Books, K-Dramas, and Animal Crossing | Weekly Update July 6-12

Good morning everyone. I hope you all are doing well. I haven’t been here in a while. I’ve been in a weird place, especially here. I’m just behind on all the things. But I’m back again with my weekly update. I actually have some updates to share!!

So, let’s just get right into it. Make sure you comment with how you’ve been doing!

Continue reading “Books, K-Dramas, and Animal Crossing | Weekly Update July 6-12”

Anticipated July Releases | Books, Movies, TV Shows, Korean Dramas

Good morning everyone. I hope you all have been having a wonderful week so far. Mine has been pretty average, just haven’t been feeling the best.

But that being said, today we’re going to talk about the releases I’m anticipating for July. This is going to include books, movies, Netflix releases, Korean dramas and more. It’s going to be a fun time and I hope you all are looking forward to some of these releases as well.

While looking into the upcoming releases for K-dramas, I got in such a mood to watch some. So expect a “first impressions” post coming soon from whichever one I decide to watch.

On that note, let’s get right into this post. Don’t be surprised if any of these dates end up changing, though. COVID-19 is still out there even though people like to pretend it’s not. KEEP WEARING YOUR MASKS (over your mouth and nose).

Continue reading “Anticipated July Releases | Books, Movies, TV Shows, Korean Dramas”

K-Dramas First Impressions: Chocolate Episode 1 & 2

Good morning everyone! I want to start incorporating my love of Asian dramas, anime, and tv shows into my blog, so I’m going to do just that here.

I currently have the current show I’m watching along with the next one that I’m going to binge. But after that, I’m going to allow you all to choose what I watch next.

Right now is the Netflix Korean drama, Chocolate.

Next up will be the show AJ and the Queen. I’ve watched the first episode and I really want to continue.

But right now, we’re discussing Chocolate.

This drama seems to follow two characters and their continuous crossing of each other’s paths. It’s a dark story and there are a lot of trigger warnings for death and war so know that going into this if you decide to.


So, I’m enjoying the story the most of anything. It’s gotten me intrigued and also crying on multiple occasions. I went into this hoping for a cute romance. I didn’t get that. This is heart-wrenching and I love it. I definitely will have to start reading synopsis more.

Hard-hitting K-dramas seem to be the ones that stand out the most in my mind, so they are ones that I tend to enjoy the most. I’m really hoping that this is the case with this one.

There are points where I have gotten confused. Whether that was just me trying to get back into the flow of the language or trying to understand the characters and storyline, I don’t know. The timeline is the main things that’s been confusing me, but I think I’m getting it now.

Characters and Actors

Okay, here’s the thing. I don’t think the acting is that great. Some points have been so poorly done I have wanted to laugh when I really shouldn’t. I don’t know if that’s just me, but I just can’t get past some of the acting. For the most part, it’s not an issue, but certain actors in certain scenes that are supposed to be dramatic and emotional just aren’t because of the poor acting.

It does take away from the story a bit, but I wouldn’t say for me personally that it’s something that will cause me to not be able to watch it. But if having good actors is something you really need in a K-drama (which I would recommend if you are new to them), then I would probably shy away from this one.


Overall, I would say that this is going to be a mediocre K-drama for me. If it continues the way it is, it’s probably going to be one that I would recommend if someone is asking about it, but not one that I would think of if someone is asking for K-drama recommendations in general.

The emotion that it pulls from me is really what’s going to get it for me. If I continue to cry and feel for these characters every episode, that’s going to be a good sign. But if the emotion tapers off, that’s not going to bode well.

That’s really all I have to say for now. I hope to do more of these and get a better hang on them. I’ll let you all know my final thoughts when I finish it. I’m going to try to watch another episode today before I take my nap (I’m writing this on Monday so hopefully I did just that).

Let me know anything you would like to me talk about in another first impressions, whether it be for Asian dramas, tv shows, or anime. Also, recommend some of each that you think I would enjoy.

Preferably if I can watch it on Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Viki, or Amazon Prime. And by preferably, I mean only if I can watch it on one of those. Crunchyroll is more for anime and Viki is for Asian dramas if you don’t know. And if you don’t know if I can find it, still recommend it. I’ll take a look.

Thanks so much for joining me! I hope you all enjoyed this and join me for more First Impression posts!

When’s the last time you changed your passwords? Take today to make a list of all the accounts you have that have passwords. Change them if you can. It’s good to change your passwords every once in a while to deter identity theft. So make sure you all do that.


January 2020 Anticipated Releases

Good morning everyone! Time to talk about stuff happening next year. That’s right. We’re discussing releases during January that I’m excited for. The first releases into the new year, new decade!

Im going to be discussing books, Korean dramas, anime, manga, movies, tv shows, and anything else I’d be interested in. All of these may not be included in this month’s post, though. It just depends on whether I’m interested in anything coming out.

That being said, make sure you stick around to the end for the books that I’m going to be preordering and stuff I actually plan on watching as it comes out. Just because I’m excited for everything, doesn’t mean I have the time to watch it all.

So let’s start with honorable mentions. These are honorable because they are being released in January but I plan on reading them before then as I got arcs of these two books.

Click on the book’s cover to add it to your GoodReads. Below is my Amazon affiliate Link if you’d like to preorder it as well.

Honorable Mentions

This book follows a bookstore employee after she learns that the bookstore is going to become a part of a larger bookstore company. The risk assessor comes to the shop to see if it will be worth the risk and the two of them do not mix well. This seems like it’s going to be a cute hate to love romance. Keep an eye out closer to the release on Jan 13th for my review.

This book is a second chance romance about a bridesmaid/maid of honor and the best man. This is the second book in the series and the wedding is of the two characters in the first. So I highly recommend checking out The Best Friend Problem first. I got that one for review when it came out and I really enjoyed it! This comes out the 20th.

Books I’m Anticipating

This follows two people, two businesses, and an epic twitter battle. This comes out on the 21st.

This book tells of a softball star who loses everything because she punched someone during the most important game of the year. Grey, the star quarterback who is out due to an injury, concocts a plan to have Liv be his temporary replacement. Now he just needs to coach her. This comes out Jan 7th.

This book follows a married couple, several years down the line, when their marriage isn’t what it used to be. So the two of them decide to go to counseling and seek help to fix their marriage. This comes out Jan 14th and is the sequel to Fix Her Up.

Movies in Theaters

Korean Dramas

This show tells of a man who can look into someone’s eyes and see the moment before they die. He uses this to team up with a detective and find a serial killer.

I’m mainly interested because I really enjoy Ok Taecyeon (who is playing the main character). I love watching anything he’s in, despite me not being caught up on his stuff.

The Game: Towards Midnight starts in January and will go until sometime in March. There will be 32 episodes and will air Wednesday’s and Thursdays, each day having 2 back-to-back 30 minute episodes on MBC.

This show is about a makeup artist and an idol trainee who is booted from the program. After being booted, she starts working as an assistant under the makeup artist.

I think that this is going to be a fun romantic comedy and I’m really excited for it.

This show is going to be starting Jan 3rd and currently has planned for 16 episodes. It will be airing Fridays and Saturdays.

Now I’m going to end the list there. There weren’t any manga or anime that I was really interested in and I really wanted to get this post up so let’s talk what I’m going to be watching and preordering.

I will be trying to watch the Kdramas as they come out. But we’ll see how well that goes. As for the books, I’ll be preordering the arcs I got, if they have physical copies and I rate them 4 or 5 stars. As for the other releases, I will be preordering Tweet Cute and Throw Like a Girl. The reason I’m not doing the last one is because I haven’t read the first book yet. I will hopefully get it soon and get to it soon.

But for now, that’s it! Let me know what releases you’re excited for!

I’ll see you all in the next one. Have a wonderful week. Bye!